
Apex Oil specializes in transportation, storage and wholesale distribution of petroleum and petroleum-derivative products. Apex Oil maintains storage and distribution capacity throughout the US including the East Coast, Gulf Coast, Midwest, and California, including service to international destinations.

We provide integrated terminal use, storage, and transportation services for distributors and marketers of light refined petroleum products, heavy refined petroleum products, crude oil, and other energy products. We are leaders in the storage and transport of several types of gasoline and of diesel fuel, heating oil and jet fuel. We also operate services for heavy refined petroleum products such as residual fuel oils and asphalt.

Becoming a Customer of Apex Oil
To apply for credit, please download and complete all of the following forms. They can be emailed to Chrissy Vandever or faxed to 314-889-0220.

Addendum to the Customer Carrier Responsibility Agreement
Contractor Access
Security is a top concern in the operation and continuing maintenance of our terminal facilities. Before we can provide your firm access to our terminal facilities, we require  execution of this Contractor Access Agreement.

Transportation Worker Identification Credentials
Customers, carriers, contractors and vendors may be required to participate in the federally mandated Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program.

Marine Provisions
Many of our terminals provide water access for ships or barges. For marine shipments, please be aware of the following Marine Provisions covering U.S. delivery and loading.

Terms and Conditions of Petroleum Product Sales
Please be aware of the following General Terms and Conditions covering petroleum products purchase and sales.

All completed Agreement Forms can be emailed to Dianna Owens or faxed to 314-854-8539.